

The oscillator mini-application computes a sum of damped, decaying, or periodic oscillators, convolved with (unnormalized) Gaussians, on a grid. It could be configured as a proxy for simulation of a chemical reaction on a two-dimensional substrate (see Chemical reaction on a 2D substrate).

option description
-b, –blocks INT Number of blocks to use [default: 1].
-s, –shape POINT Number of cells in the domain [default: 64 64 64].
-e, –bounds FLOAT Bounds of the Domain [default: {0,-1,0,-1,0,-1]}.
-t, –dt FLOAT The time step [default: 0.01].
-f, –config STRING SENSEI analysis configuration xml (required).
-g, –ghost-cells INT Number of ghost cells [default: 1].
–t-end FLOAT Request synchronize after each time step.
-j, –jobs INT Number of threads [default: 1].
-o, –output STRING Prefix for output [default: “”].
-p, –particles INT Number of particles [default: 0].
-v, –v-scale FLOAT Gradient to Velocity scale factor [default: 50].
-r, –seed INT Random seed [default: 1].
–sync The end time [default: 10].
-h, –help Show help.

The oscillators’ locations and parameters are specified in an input file (see input folder for examples).

Note that the generate_input script can generate a set of randomly initialized oscillators.

The simulation code is in main.cpp while the computational kernel is in Oscillator.cpp.

To run:

There are a number of examples available in the SENSEI repositoory that leverage the oscillator mini-application.

